It's astounding, it's amazing, it's so 2.0, it's 23 things, it undoubtedly will win me a laptop and loads of chocolate, as well as make me slices of toast.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Brrring! Thing 6

Thing #6: Change the Learning 2.0 "top ten titles" Wiki

I went along to add my favourites to the wikipage for the top ten books ever.

I put in Our Mutual Friend, The Book of Job, Atonement, and The Great Gatsby.

I will change my mind about 500 times about these choices. I will also fall out with anyone who takes The Great Gatsby out, as the last page contains the most beautiful few paragraphs ever written.

I dumped Watership Down (I just don't do rabbit books - nobody said you had to have a good reason), On Cheshil Beach (which was for the most part absolutely fantastic but I felt it was let down by it's ending), The Buddha of Suburbia (I feel Our Mutual Friend has ten times the humour, substance and excitement and grit of London and I'm not 15 anymore) and Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (because i'm not 20 anymore). It's a strange feeling when you no longer feel the same way about books etc. that once thrilled you and changed you.......

While I've written up things in a wiki space before, I have never used the collaboratively - it feels very free to be able to edit it, which I imagine is very useful for group creativity.

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